Osho Meditative Therapies

Below is a saying by Osho on genuine expression of self.

“Don’t go on pretending and laughing while your heart is crying. Don’t smile if your eyes are full of tears. Don’t be inauthentic, because by being inauthentic you are simply protecting your wounds from being healed. Your whole being will become rotten. Ecstasy is only out of agony — and the deeper the agony, the deeper the ecstasy will be; total the agony, total will be the ecstasy.”

~ Osho, The Rebellious Spirit,Talk #4

Osho Divine Doors conducts the below Meditative Therapies.

Osho Mystic Rose Therapy

It is a 21-day course.

As Osho explains:

“For seven days we laugh for no reason at all for three hours each day. For the second seven days, we cry for no reason at all for three hours a day. The third part is the time for the – Watcher on the Hill, just watching whatever is happening inside or out.”

“All that this world needs is a good cleansing of the heart of all the inhibitions of the past. Laughter and tears can do both. Tears will take out all the agony that is hidden inside you and laughter will take all that is preventing your ecstasy.” 

~ Osho

Osho No-Mind Therapy

No – mind is a seven-day course, which includes one hour of Gibberish and one hour of silent sitting. It also includes the Kundalini Meditation and the Sandhya Satsang / Evening Meeting Meditation.

“I am dealing with the contemporary man, who is the most restless being that has ever evolved on the earth. But people do become silent; you just have to allow them to throw out their madness, insanity, then they themselves become silent.”

~ Osho

Osho Born Again Therapy

Born Again is a process that takes place for two hours a day, over seven days. For the first hour, participants take the space and freedom to behave as children. For the second hour, they sit silently, doing nothing.

“This great experiment through which we are passing is basically to achieve your lost childhood again. When I say ‘your lost childhood,’ I mean your innocence, your eyes full of wonder, knowing nothing, having nothing, but yet feeling yourself at the top of the world. Those golden moments of wonder, joy, no tension, no worry, no anxiety, have to be regained, rediscovered. The sage is nothing but the circle that started in your birth coming full way, complete, back to the same point.”

~ Osho

Osho Reminds Yourself of the Forgotten Language of Talking to Your Bodymind

This is a guided one-week process.

“The body will never misguide you, you can trust it, and you can trust it absolutely. Anything that goes against the body is forced upon you by others. That is a good criterion to find out what has been forced on you. Whatever goes against the body is forced on you, it is foreign. You should throw it out.” 

~ Osho